
× Lucid Dreams

The cookie policy is annoying

4 years 11 months ago #1 by MindMelting

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  • Gender: Unknown
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  • The cookie policy is annoying was created by MindMelting
    Hi to whom ever reads this... Im going to tell you a  story of some real life dreams of mine ... I cant remember which exact days in which the dreams occur or in which sequince ... But most of them were when I was a teen to mid 20's... Heck now adays they have become less frequent in nature but when I can remember a dream I have a awsome experience to share ... Lets start with the dream I can remember the most I will not title the dream for refrence... So at some point of course I went to sleep like any other day from what I can remember before the dream I was living at my moms house mid teen years fell asleep in my own room with my brother in the room next to mine... It must have been the weekend...and my room was toward the front of the house... when I started to drift away the dream almost seems to be started suddenly.. it started off blurry like my mind was bringing it to forition but I could see the blurry aspects of it of what seemed to be only seconds I am able to remember then i could sence the dream manifesting itself around me in my mind peiceing together as it was doing so im trying to comprehend what is takeing place I always do even in real life so as this is happening im starting to see like a few flashes all of which im farmiliar with but with things so diffrent my mind starts to latch on to one of the flashes to try n make since of what the heck im experiancing is and as it does it starts to manifest into the dream at this point im in complete confusion throughout this entire dream im really confuzed and this lasts a few seconds longer than the blurry start as it manifests and places me within the dream i start to realize im near my highschool.. But something is diffrent then usual the houses that where infront of my childhood highschool where built up like a buisness not houses at all there all buisness like a row in a shopping center... And not realizing how i got there but felt like I kind of floated in near.. At this point i remember thinking but i already graduated and im just out of school in real life ...what is this ?...and my mind was telling me its like a class get together just after highschool.. Any way some how i kind of land right near the buisnesses across the street wondering what was inside them cause i knew they shouldnt be there it wasnt normal compaired to my real life .. So i walked into the middle buisness that was right infront across the tiny street from the highschool.. As i enter through the door i remember experinceing something that i will never forget .. I was looking into a resturaunt.. I know right yall are like wondering well what the hell is so miraculous about that so what... But as i looked and watched at the door way everything was perfect and in sychronization the table waitresses were spinning in unison to serve the people and it was just perfect lighting texture ect.. And they were serving my fellow classmates i was immidately in utter shock n was like hold up before i go through with this imma smoke so i turn back around and go outside pulling out a cig and lighting it up i notice that 3 other classmates were doing the same thing just out side the front of the building looking out toward the highschool parking lot and there backs to the resturaunt side by side i didnt say any thing to them but it was strange to notice that those 3 people i recognized from my highschool they were always apart if the smart kid group the honor students the ones that i never really made friends with and they were smoking! Wth.. As i was standing there smoking i remember looking up at the sky and all of the sudden started to get the worst feeling ever overwelm me ..the feeling of like i would descibe how u think u would feel once a nuke just exploded near to you and your looking at the mushroom cloud .. But as i was looking at the sky the feeling got worse... N worse n even more worse and the sky changed in color it got darker and red-er the feeling started getting so terrible i started anticipating doom n felt sick to the stomach and i had to get away from that so i turned and it started to me.. to be like a slow motion kind of run back inside.... coming back inside i noticed everything was out of sync now but people were still unaware of what was taking place outside and they didnt seem to since it like i did i ran straight past the tables of people and see a stair way upward to my left side so i take it running fast it then turned back left one flight up back toward the front of the building.... This is where my dream really got strange .... As i notice im headed back in same direction i start to slow way down my heart is throbbing a mile a minute there was a gentleman who apeared to look like a homeless man sitting in the hallway whom was closer to me gets up and walks past me as he does i focus more at the end of the hallway toward where the highschool was noticing at the of the hall way there was no wall it was open to the out side then i  see a creature fly by in slow motion wings outward but its back to me it looked like a dragon and when it flew by the opening i could see its eyes peering at me down the hallway from atop its head like just looking up for it... And as it went by i was in shock and started to feel like i was froze and notice i stubble forward abit .. When i do a huge hand reaches into the hall way squeezing me just like a big red devil hand/claw and picks me up .. And squeezes me hard so hard.... i start to sufforcate as im basicly dieing from lack of oxygen shit scared and starting to black out basicly pleading in my mind for it to be over it crushed in its hand... It lets loose just a lil i take a breath in and its thumb moves upward and pushes my atomsapple up ward it felt like breaking my neck and suffocating me again and at that point with my breath i try to say something buymt remember it came out sounding like a squeeky voice and i heard a deep loud laugh echo around me n down through the hallway and again right when i was just about to die the hand repushes my atoms apple back down and drops me to the floor i remember falling and getting a couple of breaths in and start to dash back down the hall to the stairway... And then thats when i woke up... I woke up in a pool of sweat my heart was going a mile a minute... Later that day talked to a friend of mine he's asian and tols him about it and he said it means something and its the year of the dragon what ever that means he said to try n learn from it.. Because its experience.. Any who a week passes... Then again i had another dream this time it started off the exact same blurry... But this time it landed me where i left off from the dream before this dream all i remember basiclly running frantik through the backpart of the resturaunt past kitchen in like a boiler room once i left the hallway..and waking up... More to come ill post it on reddit someplace randomly idk.. Im going to sleep now good night

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