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Is my mind telling me to go for it

6 years 4 months ago #1 by Ste2312

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  • Is my mind telling me to go for it was created by Ste2312
    In my dream I was in bed sleeping next to my girlfriend, but it wasn’t my actual bedroom it was the room was different it was an old persons bedroom, but i believe it was my home in the dream. I was drifting to sleep on my side when I thought I felt the presence of some one in the room. I didn’t turn round ( I was sleeping facing outwards on the left side ) I asked if the presence was my grandma. My thought where emotional but I was resolute to ask her what she sees what’s it like from a scientific perspective   A cold took over my body that relaxes a paralysed me  I asked again as I shivered if it was my grandma, and my girlfriend as if possessed grabbed me from behind and said “yes “ I still felt the presence at that I started getting images of planets and heard voices explains complex physics and mathematics and theories flying past my mind, my dream self still aware it was a dream questioned how I could seeThese things how I had knowledge of them.I cold kept making me shiver and and emotionally I kept watching but I didn’t feel calm as I thought I would of visited by a ghost I cried I out is it you and the whisper came through yes I asked another question i can’t remember what but I was distressed and got an answer. After a moment I regained myself spoke to my girlfriend and I asked was it you and she said yes. Please a little help, have a been visited by a created ghost in my mind lol, is my brain trying to tell me to do physics. I have been wrestling with the idea of going to university to study physics I have no formal qualifications and am 25 so would be a difficult route in, however I am capable, the math involved however is frightening and I am struggling to teach myself basics. I was watching videos about math and physics before going to sleep. 

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