Could snoring be a health concern for you or your partner? Take the snore test to find out!
Answer "true" or "false" for each question and keep track of your answers.
- People tell me I snore during sleep.
- My bedpartner has complained about my snoring.
- My snoring disturbs people in the next room.
- My snoring has gotten worse over the last few years.
- I snore no matter what position I sleep in.
- I only snore on my back.
- People tell me I sometimes stop breathing between snores.
- Sometimes I wake up from sleep gasping for air.
- I snore at night and am sleepy during the day.
- I snore at night and have high blood pressure.
Evaluate your Snore Score:
If you answered "true" to questions 1-4, your snoring probably interferes with your personal life.
If you answered "true" to question 6, you may be a positional snorer. You may benefit from sleeping on your side.
To learn more about sleep apnea, read more in the Snoring & Sleep Apnea section of this website.
This snore test is not intended to substitute for a medical evaluation by your physician.