signs of sleep apnea

Do you know the signs of Sleep Apnea?

Non-restorative Sleep: Wake up feeling groggy, tired. Feel like you haven’t gotten enough sleep.

Moderate to Loud Snoring: Although snoring can be mild in some patients, especially women.

Pauses in breathing ranging from 10 to 60 seconds, sometimes even longer.

“Crescendo Snoring:” Rising and declining volume of snoring in 30 to 90 second intervals.

Loud snoring and/or “snorts” upon resumption of breathing, often accompanied by movement in the bed.

Daytime tiredness, especially during sedentary or “hypnotic” activities such as:

  • Driving a car for longer than 30 minutes
  • Working in front of a computer screen
  • Sitting quietly, especially after lunch or dinner
  • Reading or watching television

Frequent arousals from sleep, especially to use the bathroom more than one time per night.

Waking up every one to two hours during sleep for no apparent reason.

Restless Sleep: Your bedcovers are messed up when you wake up!

Heartburn: Also known as Gastro-Esophogeal Reflux. Your difficulty breathing at night causes the acidic juices in your stomach to rise up into your throat.

Morning headaches: You aren’t getting enough oxygen during sleep!! It can give you a wallop of a headache!!

High Blood Pressure: 50% of all patients with sleep apnea have elevated blood pressure levels!

The need to take naps during the day or on weekends.

Lack of energy and motivation.

Tiredness, Tiredness, Tiredness!!

Denial of tiredness when observed by spouse, children, friends, co-workers!!

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