Have you tried elevating either yourself or the bed yet? It’s an effective trick for reducing snoring. Ultimately, you want to raise the head, neck, and upper torso area above the waist. The effect of this is to reduce the amount of pressure placed upon the neck and throat area—which in turn helps your airway stay open and facilitates breathing. The more open your airway is—the less you will snore.
Some people try to elevate their beds with a few bricks under the head end. The drawback is that the bed will have to be elevated considerably to achieve the desired effect—which may send you and your bed partner sliding on a collision course! A better technique is to try to get into the habit of sleeping with a sit-up pillow, or with two or three regular pillows tucked under the head and shoulders area. A wedge-shaped piece of foam covered with cotton is also very effective. The broader the wedge—the less likely you are to slip off it during the night—and the more likely you are to keep your bed-partner happy!
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