I am a Filipina currently in (cyber)love with a Hollander. We have known each other since January 1998 (through a chatroom) and we have been officially “going steady” for about 2 months now. We have plans of seeing each other next year. Anyway, his most recent mail to me included a dream he had and if I’m not mistaken, it was his 5th dream about us. I’ve yet to experience a substantial dream about us myself. Please allow me to write the unedited portion of his letter pertaining to his dream hoping to receive some insights and eventually, to understand its meaning. Thank you in advance.
My boyfriend wrote:
“It was like the weirdest dream I ever had. Okay here we go: It started with me having a flash “I have to see her NOW.” I raced to the airport and within 10 minutes I was there (impossible because I live further away) and when I got there I saw that I was only wearing one shoe - the ones I use for working. Then I discovered that I hadn’t packed anything and then suddenly I was in a tourist tour. They shouted at me “Hey, stay here you can’t leave!” I felt like brainwashed for a few minutes and then I heard a voice in my mind again, “You have to go to Phoebe!” so I escaped from the tour and got on the plane. I arrived in Manila late in the night and I searched for your house but I couldn’t find it. And then suddenly I saw you (light again). You looked at me and then walked on. I ran after you and took your hand and we looked at each other in the eyes. You had tears in your eyes. As we stood there for a few minutes, we could feel all our feelings and love for each other of the past months flow through our bodies. It was like....like.... I dunno....special. We didn’t say anything but just that moment was so great! Then instead of the Phillippines we were in the Netherlands. Don’t ask me how that went! And then only vague things...a house with blue exterior....and us together as if we had always been together....I don’t know if that was the end of the dream, but that’s all I remember. Oh no, one more stupid thing. When I saw you, I wanted to say your name, but I couldn’t say it. We should have these dream of mine analyzed. Probably the outcome will be that I’m completely nuts!”
--Phoebe, Age 29, PHILLIPINES
For the interpretation of the dream, click here
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