fiance betrays me

Background information: I am currently engaged to and living with the man I have been with for a little over three years. We are expecting our first child.

In my dream, I left my fiancé at his best friend's house. I went to go do something for my parents who live three hours away. I told my fiancé to stay the night at his friend's house and said I would pick him up tomorrow on my way back home. When I arrived the next morning to get him, there was a bunch of people at the house. I was in one room talking to his best friend's girlfriend and he was in another. When I went to see if he was ready to go, I saw a cute girl with blond hair pressing herself up against him, front to front. Then she kissed him. He wasn't trying to hide it or avoid it. I went over and asked her who the hell she was and punched her in the face, causing her to fall onto a table. I kept hitting her until he told me to stop and once I did, she said, "I will see you later." I said, "Oh no, you won't."

At this point, I am very upset and asking him why: "How long has it been going on and who is she?" He answered all these questions by telling me that he had been seeing her for a while, he wasn't going to stop seeing her, and he didn't want to be with me anymore. In the dream he even told me her name. It was either Christina or Suzy. I can't remember. I was hysterical, begging him not to go. I didn't want to be alone raising our child by myself. He didn't seem to care, and then I woke up feeling very uneasy and emotionally upset. I asked him about it, and he made me feel better but it still is in the back of my mind and I can't forget it.

P.S. Throughout this dream, I was eight months pregnant. I looked exactly as I do in reality.

—Michelle, Age 21, Engaged, Bradenton, FL, USA

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