my doctor

I am a woman in love with my doctor who is also a woman. I’ve only had relationships with men and never even thought I was capable of having these kinds of feelings for a woman until I met her 8 years ago. I want her in my life and don’t know if I can keep my silence about it any longer. Anyway here’s the dream.

She was singing but was in another room so I couldn’t see her. I could only hear her. She didn’t have the greatest voice in the world but was very much in key and could carry a tune very well. I just thought it was the cutest and sweetest thing ever. Then suddenly a domineering woman from work appeared, which normally to keep peace I just let her be the way she is and don’t cause any conflicts (plus I wouldn’t want to lose my job). Anyway, she was harrassing and bullying my doctor and my doctor was calling out my name for help. I was so anxious to get there and rescue her as fast as I could that when I began running it felt like slow motion. When I successfully got there I aggressively approached the bully with my arms out like a grizzly and roared at the top of my lungs and scared her away. I had to do this 2 or 3 times before successfully getting permenantly rid of her. What do you think this dream could mean. If I told my doctor about it would my feelings be obvious?

--Susan, Age 32

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