I had a strange dream. In my dream I was getting married. In the beginning of my dream I was standing in the groom’s place (I am a girl) and I was getting married. I remember looking back at my family that was sitting in the church, and they all looked happy that I was getting married. I was happy too. Then I looked over to my right, and my best friend was standing next to me. I was marrying her. I was very surprised that I was marrying her. I wondered why she was there, and why I was not marrying a man. Next thing I knew I was in her house, in her guest room, where we often hang out and talk and sleep when I am at her house. We were sitting on the bed. We were talking. I remember telling her that we were supposed to have sex, and that we were on our honeymoon, and that that is what people do on their honeymoon. She refused. I think I asked her around three times. She kept refusing. Then I woke up. I have no idea why I had this dream. I am strictly only atracted to men, and I have no sexual feelings toward women, or my best friend. I have never had any fantasies of her, so I am totally confused. Do you have any idea what this could mean??? Help!
--“Anonymous,” Age 15, San Jose, CA, USA
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