I am in bed with my ex-fiancé (we were together 11 years when he left me for another woman). We just finished having sex. The odor of the sex (semen, etc.) was very powerful and strong. It filled the entire house.
My best friend came up to me. She was very concerned and said in a motherly fashion, “The odor is very strong and we can all smell it. You should really open up a window.” I remember my own mother being there, standing in the background. A senior executive (male) from my firm’s west coast office was there too.
Some background on me: For the past year I’ve been considering quitting my job to finish my college degree on a full time basis. I’ve been with the same boss for 8 years. We just moved from Chicago to NYC to join a new firm two years ago. It’s been a great opportunity, but my soul is restless and I’d like to make time in my life to do other things. I turned 39 last month and am single. I’m nervous about giving up a good job and great boss.
—Lisa, 48, Single, New York City, NY, USA
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