Hi Beth -
Definitely not a nice dream. But I think it’s pretty transparent, as they say in dream interpretation lingo. Zits can be really ugly and embarrassing sometimes, especially when we are around friends or people who we like. They always seem to pop up at the worst times! And then, when they do, we’re sure that the zit is the only part of us that other people can see or notice.
As you know from being around your friends, everyone has some level of acne, and it’s not the only thing we notice about them. Try not to worry about them so much. Pretty soon they won’t happen as much, and in the meantime there are millions of things to concentrate on and get done. I think it’s nice that, in the dream, your mom is so supportive of you. If you ever feel like you want to talk to someone about your feelings, she sounds like a good person.
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