I am a 22 year old girl from Holland living in Mallorca (Spain). I have always been a great dreamer but only for the past year or so I started to become interested in them. My last experience of lucid dreaming was only last night. I was down at the beach looking at the sea when I suddenly thought I want to walk over water. I started to think how I could possibly do that as seeing that nobody can walk on water, when I realized that I was dreaming and anything is possible in your dreams so off I went. It was absolutely beautiful, only me and the ocean I was walking and walking with the wind through my hair and felt absolutely great. After a while I got tired and told myself to slow down a little bit but my other said no go on so I walked a bit more until I was really exhausted and then went to sleep in my dream. It might sound like a boring dream but it was beautiful and very exhausting (as seeing as I have been walking all night) Do you think that people who can’t walk can walk and have the feeling of walking when they are able to be lucid?
--Signed Walking on Water
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