I am a 32 year old male from the United Kingdom, living in Brisbane, Australia. I moved here several years ago and enjoy a good lifestyle. I recently dreamt that I was driving my car the wrong way down a one way street. The street is familiar to me, I know the name of the street and it’s location. I found myself following a bus, driving fairly slowly. The bus stopped at the junction to the main street and, instead of stopping or slowing down (I considered applying the brakes and clearly remember thinking this) I continued at the same speed and ran into the rear of the bus. I was about six feet away from the bus before hitting it and had enough time to stop safely, these thoughts I clearly remembered when I woke up. I am currently considering steps to advance my career and am prepared to take a career change. I do not usually remember my dreams and in any case, certainly not any as vivid as this. I would be interested to hear your thoughts.
- Anonymous, Age 32, Brisbane, AUSTRALIA
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