mom dies

Hi Jennie -

I’m not exactly sure what the meaning of your mother’s dream is, but I do know that her dream is the reason why you had your dream! Your mom’s dream scared you, for obvious reasons, but I genuinely don’t think you need to get too stressed out or paranoid about it. The reason why I say this is because dreams speak in symbols and metaphors - and your mom’s dream is no exception.

Death in dreams almost always symbolizes change or transition. I don’t know what is going on in your mom’s life right now, but I do think that her dream is significant and meaningful - and most likely concerns a period of spiritual growth or development that is occurring in her life. After all, she is having a conversation with Buddha! I think your mom also may have had the same question or fear that you express in your dream. During her dream, your mom may have been wondering whether her next period of spiritual growth required her to leave this world. But the Buddha tells her no, and then he leaves behind a clue. He tells her that February 6 is an important day. But again, just as “death” is a symbol for spiritual growth or change, so is February 6 a symbol. Chances are very good that February 6 holds a meaning for your mom other than just the day of the year.

If February 6 doesn’t “ring a bell” for your mom right off the bat, it’s also possible that her dream was a bit pre-cognitive. Perhaps February 6 will be a significant day for her - maybe with her work, her friends, or her family. Does she have any plans for this Saturday?

We’re all curious. If your mom is up for it we’d love to hear back from her - to hear more about her dream. But in the meantime, I hope you get some rest. You ask if dreams often have different meanings than what they literally say - and in this case I think you are correct. I think your mother’s dream actually foreshadows a healthy period of growth in her life. She sounds like a nice mom - which makes you a lucky young woman!

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