my mom is in the hospital!

Hi Adelle -

I’m sorry to learn about your mother’s illness. I hope she makes a quick and healthy recovery! :-)

I think your dream most likely reflects concerns about your mother being in the hospital. In addition to worries about our appearance, “teeth falling out dreams” often reflect concerns over advancing age - and decline of the physical body.

I think it is significant that in both dreams you are looking in a mirror - at your reflection. When we look in a mirror we see ourselves - and we also, in a metaphoric sense, see a reflection of our parents.

I’m not sure the type or severity of your mother’s cancer, but we all know that during treatment people can lose their hair, lose a breast, or have an infected part of their body removed. In this context, your father’s remark that you’ll be “better off” without the infected tooth seems significant. Your shock that the tooth was rotten “from the inside out” may also reflect your surprise when you learned that your mother has cancer. In its early stages, cancer is a disease that is visible only on the inside. You also stare at the calendar and phone in your second dream, which suggests concern about time, and communication. Your mother is currently in the hospital for a period of time - receiving treatment - and I’m sure you speak to her frequently on the phone. I suspect that the calendar also symbolizes time in relation to aging. Your mother’s illness most likely has caused you to worry about the perils of aging in general.

It is true that some of the other events occurring in your life are often linked to “teeth falling out” dreams. Your uncertainty about whether or not your crush likes you, in particular, can make you unsure of your own appearance and attractiveness. You also write that as a result of having braces you have developed a long-standing concern with your teeth.

Thanks very much for sharing your dream. We wish your mother a full and speedy recovery.

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