
Hi Megan - 

Your heart is in the right place, but I’m not sure your strategy is very good! 

I hope your dream of getting pregnant so that you and your boyfriend would “have to have a relationship” is just an idle thought - and not an act you are seriously considering. It’s clear that you like this guy, and that you feel confident in his commitment to you. In the dream, he “stood by you” throughout your pregnancy and raising the child. But having fantasies of parenthood is very different from the day-to-day reality and responsibility. Also, if you do some research on teen-age mothers, you will find that most of them wind up raising their babies alone. The stress and demands of raising a child are often too much for a young couple to bear - so they split up. 

Remember that relationships are partnerships. If you want to be a good partner to your boyfriend - you actually want to be very careful to avoid “early” and unplanned pregnancies. Having children will be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life. Don’t mess it up by having a baby before you - and your partner - are ready.

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