memory test

I was recently assigned a Psychology Class project that involves keeping a log of any dreams that I have. This proposes a problem for me, because I have trouble recalling my dreams and rarely remember what I dream about. It may be that I do not dream, but I do not think so. I am almost positive I have the dreams, but once awake, every detail but the memory that I had the dream is gone.

I find myself some mornings awakening very abruptly and quickly - without much time to consider what may have been processed through my mind. However, I see no reason that this should affect my memory of a dream.

For my benefit, I would like to be able to be aware of what I am dreaming, or if I am dreaming. I am a 16 year old man and a junior in high school.

Any reactions, help, or advice you can give me would be greatly appreciated. Thank you! 

- Anonymous, Age 16, Male, USA

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