Year 2000

Hi Mary - 

I think you’ve definitely been bitten by the Y2K (Year 2000) bug. The question, of course, is how much disruption this “time bomb” is going to cause.

I think everyone agrees that we are going to experience some level of inconvenience as we role into the year 2000. Gas pumps may not work, automated bank tellers may shut down for a week or so, and we may even have some disruption in the operation of trains, airlines, and financial markets. 

According to some experts, though, the biggest unknown variable isn’t how machines and computers will react - it’s how people will react. Will people panic, hoard food and supplies, and start to believe that it’s the end of the world? If so, we’re all in for more headache - and danger - than really is warranted. If we all keep calm and remember to be extra extra patient for a few weeks - as we let our excellent technical workers in this country fix the trouble spots as fast as they can - then we’re all going to be better off.

People who believe in “end of the world” scenarios tend to be unhappy in their current lives. For unhappy people, any type of change, even a destructive change, offers the hope of a better life. Warnings about Y2K should be listened to carefully and preparations should be made - but I think anyone who suggests that Y2K is going to be the “end of the world” really is contributing to the problem - by promoting panic - rather than helping to solve it. 

Your dream, as you suggest, is a representation of your own Y2K fears - what you may have heard at home, in your classroom, among your friends, or on television. The setting sun symbolizes the end of the world, while the blue grey buildings appear to indicate the coming of night - the unknown darkness that will follow the “end of the world.” But did you notice how, even in your own dream, the sun refused to set? Don’t be fooled by the doomsayers, Mary. You’re going to live to a ripe old age, and Y2K is just going to be momentary “blip” on your radar screen.

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