chased by a wolf

Hi Rita—

Forests in dreams symbolize feelings of uncertainty about the future. (We cannot see far ahead in a forest.) Being chased in a dream is a metaphor for our efforts to avoid disturbing thoughts and feelings. We try to escape from painful awarenesses, but they keep “pursuing us”—mentally and emotionally.

Wolves in dreams represent people we know in real life (the wolf in your dream is male) who we fear will attack or injure us emotionally. The bite you receive in your dream punctures the skin, but it does not draw blood or cause physical pain. Accordingly, we know the attack you fear is not violent. Instead, the mysterious liquid that oozes from your wound allows you to peer into visions of your everyday life: cooking, smiling, and interacting with friends.

Because everyday life is contrasted so abruptly with death, your dream suggests that the “death” you fear is the end of a lifestyle. Are you involved in a romantic relationship that you fear will soon end? Are you afraid of losing your lifestyle? It is significant that the wolf comes over and sniffs you at the end of the dream, as if you are dead. Is this romance over?

Please write back and tell us the details!

Dear Dream Doctor—

You hit the nail on the head. I am trying to stay in a relationship that has ended for me. I should be strong enough to step away, but for some reason I can’t. I wish I could have the old feelings again, but I just don’t. I am both excited for, and fearful of, the future.

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